On which holidays is the library closed?


2011 Holidays and Early Closings

New Year’s Day Saturday, Jan. 1 CLOSED
Martin Luther King Day Monday, Jan. 17 OPEN, 9am to 5pm
President's Day Monday, Feb. 21

OPEN, 9am to 5pm

Good Friday Friday, April 22
OPEN, 9am to 5pm
Easter Sunday, April 24
Memorial Day Monday, May 30
Independence Day Monday, July 4 CLOSED
Night in Venice Saturday, July 16 OPEN, 9am to 2pm
Labor Day Monday, Sept. 5


Columbus Day Monday, Oct. 10 OPEN, 9am to 5pm
Election Day Tuesday, Nov. 8
Veterans Day Friday, Nov. 11 OPEN, 9am to 5pm
Thanksgiving Thursday Nov. 24 CLOSED
Day after Thanksgiving Friday, Nov. 25 OPEN, 9am to 5pm
Christmas Eve Saturday, Dec. 24 OPEN, 9am to 12pm
Christmas Sunday, Dec. 25 CLOSED
New Year's Eve Saturday, Dec. 31 OPEN, 9am to 12pm


  • Last Updated Nov 28, 2018
  • Views 27
  • Answered By Kevin Bligh

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