from whom does the library receive its funding?
Thank you for your question.
The Ocean City Feee Public Library is a municipal library. Municipal libraries in New Jersey are established and funded by State Law. Below is the State Statute which establishes funding for municipal libraries:
40:54-8. Tax levy; additional levy
The governing body or appropriate board of every municipality governed by this article shall annually appropriate and raise by taxation a sum equal to one-third of a mill on every dollar of assessable property within such municipality based on the equalized valuation of such property as certified by the Director of the Division of Taxation in the Department of the Treasury.
Such additional sum, as in the judgement of such body or board is necessary for the proper maintenance of a free public library, may be appropriated and raised by taxation annually.
Amended by L.1944, c. 49, p. 107, § 1; L.1985, c. 82, § 2; L.1985, c. 541.
I have also attached a pdf document with all statutes statutes for municipal libraries.
Thank you,
Christopher Maloney
Library Director