I just tried to type in my libray card number. Is it outdated? Do I have a new one listed? It is not valid. Is this card
I just tried to type in my libray card number. Is it outdated? Do I have a new one listed? It is not valid. Is this card oiutdated and do i hacve a new one?
Hi! You're right; it doesn't look like that number is in our database - is it a very old card? Accounts do need to be renewed yearly, so there's a chance that it may have expired if it's been a while since you've been in. Your best bet would be to take your card to the circulation desk on the first floor of the library, and have them check it for you there. You can also renew your account there, if that's the problem. You'd need to bring a photo ID and proof of residency, but the Circulation Desk should definitely be able to take care of it for you.