Do you have any photos or other memorabilia of the Philadelphia jazz pianist Hasaan Ibn Ali (1931-1981)?
I am involved in a historical research project involving Hasaan Ibn Ali. His birth name, by the way, was William Henry Lankford, Jr. I suggest search for the following alternate spellings/names: Hassan Ibn Ali, Hasaan Ali, Hassan Ali, William Lankford, William Langford, William Langsford, William Lanksford, Bill (Lankford/Langford,Langsford.Lanksford)
Unless a person has a direct connection to Ocean City NJ, it is unlikely that we will have any photos, etc. on them. The OCFPL does not maintain a photo collection. I would recommend you contact the FREE LIBRARY of PHILA.'s Print and Picture Librarian, 215 686-5405 or the HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA 215 732-6200.