How do I set up a new member account?



For Residents of Ocean City, library Membership is free. You just need to bring proof of residency to the library front desk and you will recieve a library card. Children 14 and under must have a parent or guardian's signature on the application card.

Non-Residents must show proof of their residency and pay $25.00 for the year or $15.00 for ninety days to join the library.  Internet Only membership cards are available for $10.00 for a ninety day membership.

Acceptable I.D. includes a valid N.J. driver's license, tax bill, voter's registration, major utility bill, or phone book listing (for OC Residents only).

Thanks for the question! 

  • Last Updated Nov 28, 2018
  • Views 42
  • Answered By Kevin Bligh

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