lesson plan for MLA style formatting for college students who need refresher, update, or first exposure

I want them to understand the importance as well as practical tips on how to use as well as an exercise sheet if possible.


I googled "mla citation lesson plan" and received a large number of appropriate responses.  I have used MLA and Purdue's Owl resources successfully.  A teacher really has to model lesson plans on students needs and the teacher's own abilities and style.

Also, please be aware that the Modern Language Association (MLA) just released an 8th edition this summer. Make sure whatever content or lesson plans you do find online conform to the new edition. There have been some major changes in MLA 8 -- for a brief introduction, please see the attached handout from the Atlantic Cape Community College Library.

Let us know if your need any more help! 

  • Last Updated Nov 28, 2018
  • Views 124
  • Answered By Pat Brown

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